"I do hope you are reading this because you are curious about what I do these days, and not because you are in need of my Legal Commando services. Being in the firing line of one of these traumatic crisis situations is a horrible experience for those involved and one that can easily suffocate the most seasoned individuals and businesses, completely irrespective of the merits of any accusation. I would not wish it on anyone. If you are facing such a situation or can see one looming on the horizon, you will find my experience, my approach and my presence alongside you to be of true value." Stephen Townley
Real-time crisis support

Aiding business leaders & high-profile executives respond in real-time to complex mission-critical or potentially catastrophic situations.
Whether it is contractual, reputational or political in nature, Stephen will be there to plan, manage and execute his client’s response. Stephen is also highly knowledgeable about funding options for legal disputes, should this be appropriate.
This wingman role, undertaken in intensely challenging circumstances, uses every ounce of Stephen’s knowledge and ingenuity and he thrives on it.
If you would like to talk to Stephen about his Legal Commando services please contact him.